This is the North Atlantic Seafood Forum!

North Atlantic Seafood Forum is the
world’s largest top executive seafood business conference.

Since 2005, the conference has developed into one of the most important meeting places for top executives in the global seafood industry

The annual conference is organized in Bergen Norway in the first week of March. This is an important meetingplace for the whole seafood industry, providing invaluable insight on a wide variety of seafood business related subjects.

The conference is also regarded as the best networking event in Seafood!

A world leading executive meeting place for the global seafood industry​

NASF offers a comprehensive 3-day program, with the aim to give even better insight, inspiration and to keep the top tiers of the seafood industry updated on markets, technology, sustainability and industry challenges.

The North Atlantic Seafood forum is a one of the kind meeting places, and we will continue to facilitate for the good discussions, meeting old and new business contacts and bringing so many CEO’s and executives of the Seafood industry together.

Be inspired by the best!

Speakers at NASF are either leading experts in their field or important policymakers to the industry, providing our delegates with

  • Insight into vital developments shaping the future of the industry

  • News and development within innovation and commercial development

  • An in deep understanding of the financial and economic issues affecting the market

The North Atlantic Seafood Forum is an annual event,
convening in Bergen, Norway in the first week of March.

We hope to see you there!

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