North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group (NAPA)
Back to program Blue whiting management failures and the consequences for the Norwegian salmon industry 16:15-16:20 – Introduction Tarjei Eide Managing Director – Cargill Speakers
Welcome to the 20th
North Atlantic Seafood Forum
Bergen – Norway, March 4th to 6th 2025
Conference venue: Radisson Blu Royal Hotel
The worlds’ largest top executive seafood business conference.
– probably the best networking event in the seafood industry!
NASF 2025 will offer a comprehensive 3-day program, with the aim to give even better insight, inspiration and to keep the top tiers of the seafood industry updated on markets, technology, sustainability and industry challenges.
The North Atlantic Seafood forum is a one of the kind meeting places, and we will continue to facilitate for the good discussions, meeting old and new business contacts and bringing so many CEO’s and executives of the Seafood industry together.
For the 20th time the North Atlantic Seafood Forum will convene at the Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, and we hope to see all of you there.
Back to program Blue whiting management failures and the consequences for the Norwegian salmon industry 16:15-16:20 – Introduction Tarjei Eide Managing Director – Cargill Speakers
Back to program Stingray will be presenting the First Official Fish Health Report, at NASF 2025. Please join us for news and updates, drinks, snacks
Back to program Presenting companies: Norwegian Cancer Society | Nufarm Seed Technologies | Skretting | Cermaq | Grieg Seafood ASA | Salmon Group | Earthworm
Back to program Presenting companies: Euronext | Kontali Analyse AS | The Norwegian Seafood Council | McKinsey | Nordic Aqua Partner | Mowi ASA «By
Back to program Presenting companies: GSSI | FAO | Intrafish | Rev Ocean | GSA | UNESCO Ocean Decade Data Group | Ava Ocean |
Back to program Join us for an exciting unveiling at the forefront of sustainability! CJ Selecta will present a comprehensive Carbon Footprint study of Brazilian
© North Atlantic Seafood Forum AS, Dronning Mauds gate 3, 0250 Oslo, Norway.
Website: Apriil Reklame
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