NASF 2025: Greater attention to whitefish
The whitefish sessions at NASF were very popular last year, attracting over 100 whitefish delegates. We continue to focus on markets and quality through two comprehensive sessions:
White Fish Quality Wednesday 5th March 1030-1230
With increasing prices and small volumes of raw materials, the need to focus on processing and quality is higher than ever. In the White Fish Quality Session, you will get the latest updates on both catching and processing technology from leading suppliers to the industry.
White Fish Summit Wednesday 5th March 1400-1600
This always very popular session gives you the latest updates on the supply and demand side for white fish products globally. Key managers from the European white fish industry share their perspectives on the near future for this very important product segment.
Presenting companies:
Representatives from these fine companies will share valuable whitefish-related insight:
Skipsteknisk – KAPP Iceland – SINTEF – Optimar – Møreforsking – JTB Marel – NOFIMA – Nordic Group – Kontali Analyse – Nordea – Samherji – Sea Harvest Cooperation – MSC – Norcod – AIPCE.