NASF 2025: Wrapping Up and Looking Forward

NASF 2025: Wrapping Up and Looking Forward

The 20th North Atlantic Seafood Forum has come to a close, and this year’s event was the largest to date, with 1,140 delegates in attendance.

So, how did it go, and who was there?

We’ve received fantastic feedback, and the discussions sparked during the conference continue to unfold – both within many seafood companies and across online platforms.

As we start wrapping up the evaluation phase, the NASF team is now shifting gears and entering the planning stage for the next edition. Our goal is to make the North Atlantic Seafood Forum an even stronger meeting place – where the seafood industry executives comes together, shares knowledge, and looks ahead to shape the future.

Take a look at the moments captured by our photographers—you might even spot someone you know!

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