Discover the new sessions at NASF 2025

During the last 20 years, NASF has established itself as a leading international seafood executive community conference. The core topics are mostly the same, but renewal and content development are important to consolidate our position.

For the 20th edition of NASF, we have the following new sessions:

Seafood Investor Farming White Fish

The rapid developments in whitefish farming are creating interest among industry investors. Our long-time partner and owner, Pareto Securities, is organizing a session dedicated to aquaculture companies farming cod and halibut.

Carl Emil Johannessen at Pareto sums up the base for the session as follows: 

“Norway possesses unique expertise in aquaculture, and we believe this will also contribute to the emergence of new species other than salmon. Market demand for high-quality whitefish species is high, we are confident that halibut and cod farming now are well-positioned to achieve significant growth that will help satisfy the demand in the market”

Presenting companies: Nordic Halibut, Ode, Kime, Norcod and  Havlandet

Link to session program with topics discussed and presenting speakers.

Pelagic Tuesday

The pelagic species play a crucial role in various aspects of the seafood industry, and this session will evaluate the current status regarding stocks, quotas, demand, and markets.
Delegates attending the first part of this two-part session will gain updated insights into the intriguing situations of mackerel and blue whiting stocks. Additionally, there will be a thorough discussion on how current quotas impact markets and future harvesting.

In the second part of Pelagic Tuesday, our experts will focus on the market situation and outlook for pelagic species. Fish oil and meal demand and supply will also be covered. Experts and analysts will share their views on growing markets and technologies that drive the pelagic industry and their markets.

Presenting companies: African Aquaculture Company, Faroe Marine Research Institute, Insitute of Marine Research, Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Commission, Fisheries Iceland, MSC, Cargill, Kontali Analyse, IFFO, Optimar, MMC First Process and Nordea Bank.

Link to session program Pelagic Tuesday – Session 1
Link to session program Pelagic Tuesday – Session 2

Navigating risk for sustainable growth in seafood markets

As the global population grows, the demand for food from the ocean increases. How can the seafood industry minimize operational, regulatory, and market risks to maximize the availability of ocean-derived proteins on our dinner plates?

Can we learn from other industries that have been in similar situations? How did they navigate through similar topics, and how is this transferable to the situation the seafood industry finds itself in right now?

These questions and more will be addressed in this two-hour session, which will be hosted by McKensie and include speakers from inside and outside the seafood industry. The session concludes with a panel discussion where experts and industry professionals discuss how the global seafood industry can best position itself for the future.

Presenting companies: McKinsey, Aon, Highliner Foods and Mercuri Urval.

Link to session program with topics discussed and presenting speakers.

Cage Talk

Open-cage salmon farmers are exposed to challenges related to many issues like fish welfare, growth, sea lice, water temperature changes, oxygen levels, predators, and many more. However, many salmon producers manage these challenges, and despite obstacles they have found solutions. We want to bring these kinds of solutions and initiatives to the surface and give our delegates insight into how many of these challenges can be dealt with through effective solutions.

Under the heading “Cage Talk” NASF has invited leading salmon farmers and their experts to elaborate on how challenges have been overcome. Join our inaugural Cage Talk session on Tuesday March 4th and gain insight into how technology, best practices, and genius solutions have led to overcoming many of the threatening challenges facing open cage farming.

Presenting companies: Bakkafrost, Salmar, Lerøy, Cermaq and Mowi.

Link to session program with topics discussed and presenting speakers.

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