CJ Selecta

Join us for an exciting unveiling at the forefront of sustainability! CJ Selecta will present a comprehensive Carbon Footprint study of Brazilian soy products. Discover critical insights that are shaping the future of agriculture, from the environmental impact of soy production to actionable strategies for creating a more sustainable supply chain.

Be a part of the conversation driving change and innovation for aquafeeds. CJ Selecta will present the methodologies and strategies for achieving a soy protein concentrate with a low carbon footprint. Using primary data to calculate carbon footprints adds significant value, particularly in terms of accuracy, credibility, and actionable insights.

A Group of experts and specialists will be together in this debates (to be confirmed):
Marilia Folegatii – Senior researcher – from The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa)
Anton Kool Consultant – Kool Planet Co.; GLFi Member
Lucas Ubrano – VP of regenerative agriculture and sustainability (Unilever UK)
Guilherme Tancredi – CEO CJ Selecta

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