Global White Fish Summit

Presenting companies: Nordic Group | Kontali Analyse | Nordea | American Seafoods | AIPCE | Sea Harvest Cooperation | MSC | Norcod | Intrafish

Speaker presentations & panel discussion


Morten Hyldborg Jensen
CEO - Nordic Group

Morten Hyldborg Jensen has worked a number of years in the whitefish industry, including as Head of Team Frozen Whitefish i Lerøy Seafood ASA (2017-2018), Sales and Marketing Director Primary Processing Norway Seafood AS (2010-2017), Executive Vice President Sales and Marketing Aker Seafoods AS (2005-2010), Director Sales and Marketing Aker Seafoods AS (2002-2005) and Vice President Sales and Marketing Stolt Sea Farm AS (1998-2002). Morten is a board member of Norwegian Seafood Association (2021-). He has also held positions in board and committees at Norwegian Center of Expertice, Aquaculture 2008-2010), Marine Stewardship Council (20082017), Norwegian Seafood Council (2011-2017) and Norwegian Seafood Federation (2011-).


Whitefish supply situation

Jan Erik Øksenvåg
Analyst - Kontali Analyse

Working as a Senior Analyst at Kontali for almost three decades, Jan Erik Øksenvåg’s focus is primarily on farmed salmonids, operations and leading EUMOFA projects and efforts. A major role as being “market expert“  for EUMOFA, has been linked to surveying and analysing global fisheries and markets for farmed and wild-caught seafood. Øksenvåg holds a bachelor’s degree in economy from NTNU in Trondheim. Since 2012, Øksenvåg has also held a position as board member at Kontali, alongside other appointed board positions in various companies.

Whitefish market situation and outlook

Finn-Arne Egeness
Analyst - Nordea

Finn-Arne Egeness, seafood analyst, Nordea Bank Abp

May 2015 – today, Seafood analyst, Nordea Nordea Bank Abp 
2009 – 2015, Research Scientist, Nofima
2007 – 2009, Project Manager, Norwegian Seafood Federation

Alaska Pollock market trends US and Russia

Rasmus Sørensen
American Seafoods

Whitefish challenges in Europe

Guus Pastoor
Chairman AIPCE – European Fish Processors Federation

Guus Pastoor chairs the Brussels based European Association for seafood processors/ traders AIPCE.

At the national level he chairs the Dutch association Visfederatie.The associations voice the position and needs of the member operators in the political arena.

Guus has a master in economics and a longstanding experience in the seafood world.

Whitefish catch and market development in Africa

Konrad Geldenhuys
COO - Sea Harvest Cooperation

Konrad Geldenhuys started his career at Sea Harvest as Commercial Manager in 2009. From 2014 he managed the Sea Harvest Groups’ domestic and international sales channels and all aspects of brand management and marketing as Sales & Marketing Director. Konrad was appointed as Chief Operating Officer in 2022, overseeing all aspects of the value chain of Sea Harvest’s South African fishing operations, including fishing, processing and sales.

Whitefish and Sustainability: An MSC Perspective

Seth McCurry
Senior Commercial Manager - MSC

Seth McCurry is the Senior Commercial Manager for the UK & Ireland at the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). He holds a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Oxford and spent three years running an aquaculture business in Southeast Asia before joining the MSC.

Is farmed cod the new salmon

Christian Riber
CEO - Norcod

12 years experience as Commercial Director at Sirena.
2 years experience as Assount Manager at Experian.
Education from Copenhagen Business School. 

Panel discussion

Moderated by:
Drew Cherry, Editor – Intrafish

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