Presenting companies: IFFO | Skretting | Salmon Group | MarinTrust | Bonafide Wealth Management AG

How can the salmon farming sector benefit from fishery improvement projects and traceability work?

Responsible sourcing, traceability and production of all feed ingredients used in farmed salmon’s diets is key to mitigating and monitoring the impacts of the value chain. In this one-hour long session, representatives from the marine ingredient value chain will address sourcing policies, projects to drive changes in fisheries, traceability and lifecycle assessment works.


Veronique Jamin
Communications and External Relations Director - IFFO – The Marine Ingredients Organisation

Véronique joined IFFO – The Marine Ingredients Organisation in January 2019, bringing over 11 years of experience as Communications Director at the French division of a global water company. Prior to that, she served as a political advisor to local authorities. At IFFO, she leads the Secretariat of the Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients and oversees stakeholder engagement.


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Jorge Diaz Salinas
Sustainability Manager - Skretting

Jorge studied communications at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, international marketing at King’s College London, and corporate sustainability at New York University. From 2009 to 2014, he worked at ProChile, an agency of Chile’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He joined Skretting in 2015. Since 2018, he has worked at Skretting’s headquarters in Stavanger, Norway, and he was appointed to his current position in September 2021.

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Dr Brett Glencross
Technical Director - IFFO - The Marine Ingredients Organisation

Prior to this role he was the Professor of Nutrition at the Institute of Aquaculture at the University of Stirling in Scotland. Over the past 25 years he has worked in various academic, institutional, and industrial roles across Australasia, the Middle East and Europe. Throughout his career he has worked closely with many aquaculture production (farming) and feed companies throughout each of these regions. His research achievements have delivered many industrial outcomes resulting in the development of new processes, products, and applications. For his achievements in this regard, he has received multiple awards and commendations from both Government and Industrial organisations. At an academic level, he was one of the former editors of the journal Aquaculture Nutrition from 2008 to 2016. He is also the current Chair of the International Scientific Committee of the International Symposium for Fish Nutrition and Feeding (ISFNF). He has also been a Director of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society (2013 – 2016), as well as undertaking leadership roles at the CSIRO in Australia and the Institute of Aquaculture. 

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Christine L. Larsen
Chief Procurement Officer - Salmon Group

Christine L. Larsen joined Salmon Group in January 2023 and heads the company’s procurement and sustainability efforts. She holds a postgraduate degree in International Business from the University of St. Andrews and has spent the majority of her career in the oil and gas industry. She is passionate about risk management, sustainability, human rights, and collaboration across the value chain. Salmon Group is a network of Norwegian, privately owned salmon and trout farmers. With a yearly volume of approximately 250 000 tonnes, feed is the company’s largest and most important procurement category. For over 20 years the company has managed its own feed recipe – the SG-feed – which is characterized by a low carbon footprint, high marine content, and utilization of novel ingredients.

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Libby Woodhatch
Executive Chair - MarinTrust

Libby Woodhatch MSc, has worked for more than 20 years in the seafood supply chain and on standards development. Prior to becoming Executive Chair of MarinTrust, she was Head of Advocacy at Seafish, where her remit included the development of the Responsible Fishing Scheme (RFS) standard and a wider programme in seafood ethics. Libby was CEO of industry body Seafood Scotland for ten years, where she helped improve the value of return to the Scottish seafood industry. During this time, she also sat on the MSC’s Stakeholder Council. Libby is a Trustee of the Fishermen’s Mission, which provides welfare and support to fishermen and their families.

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Philipp Hämmerli
Chief Investment Officer - Bonafide Wealth Management AG

Philipp is the managing director at Bonafide, leading the portfolio management and research team. Since joining in 2018, he has focused on integrating industry-specific insights with financial expertise across the entire value chain of the fish and seafood sector. Driven by a commitment to continuous learning, he prioritizes regular engagement with industry experts and conducts due diligence visits to seafood corporations worldwide. Beginning his career in banking in 2007, Philipp has held various roles that consistently placed him at the forefront of financial markets.

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