Presenting companies: Pelagic Fish Forum | Kontali Analyse | Norges Sildesalgslag | IFFO | Centre for International Economics and Trade, NUPI | Nordea Bank | Matis ltd | Optimar | MMC First Process

Jan Trollvik
Pelagic Fish Forum

Global overview for pelagic supply and outlook for 2025
Lars Erik Flatøy
Head of Analysis Department, Kontali Analyse
Lars Erik Flatøy became part of the Kontali team in 2021, and is today Head of the analysis department, working in mainly all parts of the seafood value chain. Flatøy has a master’s from the Norwegian College of Fishery Science in Tromsø, working both in the aquaculture sector and oil and gas, and has experience as a quality manager and business consultant before joining Kontali. Flatøy is also a lead auditor within the ASC and MSC sustainability standards.

Catch prospects for North Atlantic 2025
Roald Oen
Senior Advisor - Norges

Fishmeal and Fish Oil – supply and demand
Enrico Bachis
Market Research Director - IFFO
Enrico joined IFFO in 2009 to become Market Research Director in 2017. With 15 years of experience in the feed sector, Enrico is in charge of the market intelligence produced by IFFO, representing the industry within several international organisations including the OECD and the UN FAO. Enrico graduated from Cagliari University in Sardinia with a Political Science degree before obtaining an MSc in Financial Economics and a PhD in Industrial Economics from the University of Nottingham (UK).

Increased custom tariffs and trade barriers. Consequences for pelagic species.
Arne Melcior
Professor emeritus - Centre for International Economics and Trade, NUPI.

Demand and future prices for pelagic species.
Finn-Arne Egeness
Seafood analyst - Nordea Bank
May 2015 – today, Seafood analyst, Nordea Nordea Bank Abp
2009 – 2015, Research Scientist, Nofima
2007 – 2009, Project Manager, Norwegian Seafood Federation

Nordic Seals status - report by Matís
Jónas Viðarsson Director of Business and Development – Matís ltd
Jonas is the Director of the Research division at Matís ltd. (Icelandic food & biotech R&D) which is a governmentally owned non-profit limited company working on research and innovation in food value chains. Jonas has been involved in a large number of national and international research projects since he started working for Matís 15 years ago. His expertise cover studies related to the entire value chain of different food products, with focus on seafood. These include environmental impact of fisheries and seafood production, traceability, logistics and research on various yield- & quality factors, fisheries management, aquaculture, climate change impacts and adaptation and more.

Innovative Onboard Processing Solutions for the Pelagic Sector
Petur Jakob Petursson
Director of Sales Asia, Global Sales Onboard/Onshore - Optimar
With over 25 years of experience in the fisheries industry, Petur has extensive knowledge of fish processing, market needs, and industry challenges. His background in sales and marketing, combined with a deep understanding of fisheries management and sustainability, allows him to connect customers with the right processing solutions. As Director of Sales Asia at Optimar, he works closely with seafood companies to optimize onboard and onshore operations, helping them achieve higher efficiency and product quality.