Presenting companies: Matis ltd | Skipsteknisk | KAPP Iceland | SINTEF | Optimar | Møreforsking | Marel
Supply of White Fish is falling
The value of the raw material is increasing as is the profitability of better utilization of the volumes available.This can happen both offshore and onshore.
In this session, we will focus on advances in fishing techniques, sorting and processing of white fish raw material.

Jónas Rúnar Viðarsson
Director of Business and Development – Matís ltd
Jonas is the Director of the Research division at Matís ltd. (Icelandic food & biotech R&D) which is a governmentally owned non-profit limited company working on research and innovation in food value chains. Jonas has been involved in a large number of national and international research projects since he started working for Matís 15 years ago. His expertise cover studies related to the entire value chain of different food products, with focus on seafood. These include environmental impact of fisheries and seafood production, traceability, logistics and research on various yield- & quality factors, fisheries management, aquaculture, climate change impacts and adaptation and more.

Ship Design and White Fish Quality
A ship designer plays a crucial role in ensuring effective integration of diverse suppliers, such as fishing equipment manufacturers, onboard processing factories, and other systems. Beyond integration, the designer must prioritize sea-keeping capabilities and designs that support efficient logistics and the optimal handling and preservation of white fish quality. By embracing the principle of "freedom to create," Skipsteknisk collaborate closely with stakeholders to develop innovative and tailored solutions. This approach streamlines workflows, enhances storage and transport systems, and maintains the freshness and value of the raw material. The result is vessels designed for maximum productivity, sustainability, and operational excellence in the demanding fisheries sector.
Vegard Nesset Hjelvik
Sales Manager - Skipsteknisk

Improved shelf life through temperature control
Olafur Karl Sigurdarson
Deputy CEO - KAPP Iceland
Deputy CEO at KAPP, a leading technology company that specializes in refrigeration services, machine building, import and service of equipment for the fishing industry, aquaculture and other industries. Former experience as Executive Vice President at Marel, a leading global provider of advanced processing systems and solutions to the seafood industry. Other experience includes business development, operational-, service- and product management.

Future fisheries – a focus on catch quality
Future fisheries will have a lot to adjust to: changes in quota, new technologies, new species and a higher focus on sustainable handling, better utilization and higher catch quality. SINTEF Ocean takes a sneak peek into what the future holds.
Guro Møen Tveit
Senior research scientist - SINTEF

Seafood quality – fresh, frozen or thawed?
Many consumers prefer fresh fish and are willing to pay more for its perceived quality and convenience. But is fresh fish truly the best? SINTEF Ocean will explore the myths surrounding fresh and frozen fish, providing insights into the complexity of seafood quality.
Hanne Dalsvåg
Research scientist - SINTEF
2021 to present | Master of Science (Fisheries and new biomarine industry) Employment.

Advancing Data Capture for the Fishing Fleet
This presentation will delve into Optimar's close collaboration with the Directorate of Fisheries on the development of advanced data capture technologies for the fishing fleet. As part of the CatchID program, Marius Sorthe will highlight innovative solutions, including the vision grader, designed to ensure accurate registration of catches onboard. These technologies aim to bring data registration closer to the point of capture, whether in the gear, during boarding, or in onboard production.
Marius Sorthe
Sales Manager Aftersales, Retrofit & Upgrades - Optimar
Marius brings valuable insights into integrating technology to enhance operations across the industry, based on extensive experience in the equipment supply sector for the land-based fishing industry, ocean-going fishing fleet, and aquaculture.

Seafood Quality and the Consumer
Bjørn Tore Nystrand
Senior Researcher - Møreforsking
Bjørn Tore Nystrand holds a PhD in social sciences from the School of Business and Economics at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. His primary research interests include consumer food behavior, international seafood trade, product development, and industrial marketing (B2B).
Since 2009, Bjørn Tore has been a researcher at Møreforsking, contributing to numerous projects across diverse research fields. His work spans optimizing the production of salted and dried fish, developing products and markets within conventional fisheries, conducting research on gender and education, and studying consumer (sea)food behavior and marketing.