DNV presents the Seafood forecast 2050 at NASF2024

DNV presents the Seafood forecast 2050 at NASF2024

We are pleased to inform you that DNV invites our delegates to get a deeper look into the DNV Seafood Forecast 2050 report. At the Salmon Summit we anticipate that Thomas Vogth-Eriksen, Global Director Aquaculture at DNV will touch on some of the key findings. And during the DNV lunch and learn seminar on Wednesday 6th, some of the aspects of the report will be covered. So, grab a seat and be a part of it!

Report background

Build on Ocean’s Future to 2050, DNV Seafood Forecast aims to untangle some of the complexities in seafood value chains and provide an objective view of developments to mid-century. DNV casts light on many of the key questions stakeholders across the seafood value chain are asking themselves, such as: What will be the role of seafood in global food demand? How will marine aquaculture develop to meet seafood demand? What will drive change in seafood trade patterns to 2050? What will be the main sources of feed for marine aquaculture? 

Some of the report highlights:

  • Seafood demand is on the rise, but there is no indication of large-scale dietary shifts.
  • Marine aquaculture of finfish will triple, overtaking mollusks as the leading farmed species type.
  • Seafood trade patterns will change, driven mainly by increasing supply-demand imbalances in capture fisheries.
  • Aquaculture feed supplies will diversify further, reducing the dependence on marine and agriculture-based ingredients.
  • Through this approach, the forecast sheds light on many of the key questions stakeholders across the seafood value chain are asking themselves.

For further reading, download the report!


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