Presenting companies: Garware | Mowi | Lerøy | Cermaq | Bakkafrost | SalMar
Cage talk – open cage challenges solved! Sharing best practices – generating value for all
NASF has invited leading salmon farmers and their experts to elaborate on how challenges has been overcome. Join our inaugural Cage Talk session on “Technology Tuesday” and gain insight in how salmon farmers and their experts have used technology, best practices and genius solutions to overcome many of the threatening challenges facing open cage farming.

Pål Korneliussen
Country Manager Norway - Garware Technical Fibres
Pål Korneliussen looks after the Nordic region for Garware Technical Fibres, a large manufacturer of nets, lice skirts, ropes etc. for fish farming and other industries. Earlier Korneliussen was Publisher/CEO for IntraFish Media, worked as sales manager for Leroy and has also worked in management consulting for the seafood industry. Pål has a Master in business from the Norwegian School of Economics and live sin Bergen with his wife, kids and dog.

Postsmolt and Smart Farming for improved survival, welfare and productivity
Oaland has served as the COO for Farming Norway since 2020 and Chaiman of the board of Arctic Fish since 2023. Oaland has previously served as Mowi's CTO and head of Global R&D from 2008 to 2020, and has been with the company since 2000 in various capabilities. He holds a degree in Veterinary Medicine from the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science.
Øyvind Oaland
COO Farming Norway and Iceland - Mowi

How Lerøy is using digital tools to overcome real world challenges
1. Understanding the cause and effect throughout the value-chain
2. Digital tools to better understand our fish
3. User centric approach, to harvest the learning that is accumulated in the company.
Anders Storebø
Lead Digital Transformation Farming - Lerøy
Anders Storebø is the Lead of Digital Transformation at Lerøy Seafood Group. With a strong background in digital innovation and strategy, Anders is working within digitalization of Lerøy’s aquaculture operations. His work focuses on integrating advanced technologies to enhance efficiency, sustainability, and data-driven decision-making across the company’s value chain. Anders is passionate about leveraging digital tools to promote sustainable seafood production and improve operational excellence. He holds a key role in various industry initiatives aimed at boosting digital competence within the aquaculture sector.

Responsible growth through incremental development.
Harald Takle
Head of Strategy and Seawater Innovation - Cermaq
Cermaq is a competitive salmon farming company that works systematically with incremental development of the operations to improve biological performance. Sustainability drives our innovation priorities and new technologies are implemented when tested and proven. Cermaq actively use our global presence to understand consequences of global warming on salmon farming and actively transfer technology and knowledge between the operating companies.
Harald Takle joined Cermaq Group in 2017. Prior to this he worked about two years as a global fish health specialist in Mowi and 14 years as a research scientist in Nofima. In these years he also worked one year for the Chilean company AVS Chile. Harald hold a Dr. Scient degree from the Norwegian University of life sciences, NMBU

Exposed Open-cage Farming in the Faroe Islands
Bjarni Larsen
Farming Manger - Bakkafrost
Bjarni Larsen graduated as master in fisheries and aquaculture from UiT – Norges arktiske universitet in 2018 (Fiskerikandidat) and has taken specialization in aquaculture from the studies in Norway.
Bjarni has several years of experience working in the freshwater phase with RAS before he was appointed as Farming Optimizer for Bakkafrost in 2019. In 2024 Bjarni took on the role as Head of Farming for the South division in the Faroe Islands, which has some of the most exposed sea sites in the Faroe Islands. As well as being Head of Farming, Bjarni still has key tasks for the seawater phase including developing new sites, new farming methods, trials, improving survivability, feed conversion rates, growth rates, reporting and analyzing data amongst other things.

Setting a new direction in the battle against sea-lice
Håkon Husby
Head of IR - SalMar
Håkon Husby joined SalMar in 2018 where he has several roles both within investor relations, business analysis and as board secretary. He has a background from management consulting and risk management advisory prior to SalMar and has an MSc. in Applied Physics and Mathematics from NTNU.